Respected teachers lnd test version 7 app is design and develop according to latest syllabus of "LND".
The new syllabus of lnd test practice from MEA include following SLOs:
English SLOs:
> Use of is/am/are
> Identify the number of simple naming words by adding "s" and "es".
> Interact with text and use reading strategies (while reading) to locate specific factual information to answer in a word or two.
> Identify simple words (one/two/three syllable) with correct spellings.
> Identify and articulate correct action word according to the pictures.
> Articulate, identify and match capital and small letters of the alphabet in a series and in random order.
Math SLOs:
> Recognize and name unit fractions upto 1/12.
> Identify the shapes like square, rectangle, triangle, circle, semi-cercile and quarter-circle.
> Read and write the time from a clock in hours and minutes (with five minute interval) e.g; read 8:15 ad eight fifteen and 8:50 as eight fifty.
> Add or subtract upto 3-digit equation, such as 9 - () = 7, with proper number.
> Multiply or divide numbers within multiplication table.
Urdu SLOs:
> Comprehension (Urdu Tafheem)
> Alfaz ky Jor Tor
> seh harfi, char harfi or panch harfi arkan ko mila kar lafz bnana
> fael, fel or mafool k motabik jumlo ki tarteeb dena
> Wahid k Jama ki shinakht krna.
Please note this version cover only latest questions. We did not add lnd version 6, lnd version 5 or lnd test practice app questions.
Thank you!